Three Decades of UFO Sightings: Where is it Going, and What Does it Mean?
Peter will devote the first part of his presentation to a discussion of some of he more dramatic and baffling cases he has received over the course of his career, to include several cases that he written articles about in The UFO Journal, MUFON’s monthly publication. The remainder of the presentation will be dedicated to a discussion of the frequent reports of red, orange, and yellow “orbs,” or “fireballs,” the volume of which appears to have suddenly, and dramatically, increased in mid-2012, and which continue to the present time. Any remaining time will be used for an update on the status of Peter’s proposal, first presented in 1995, to use reflected commercial FM radio and television signals for the direct, and real-time, detection and tracking of UFO’s in flight.
Peter Davenport has served as the second Director of the National UFO Reporting Center (“NUFORC”) since August 1994. Founded in Seattle in October 1974 by the late Robert J. Gribble, a retired Seattle fireman, and early member of MUFON, NUFORC quickly developed a reputation for being, like MUFON, an independent organization whose data could be relied upon for its accuracy and reliability. During Peter’s twenty-eight years’ tenure as Director, he has fielded, he estimates, more than 300,000 telephoned reports, which has given rise to more than 170,000 written reports, the majority of which, are posted to the NUFORC’s website, and the contents of which are freely available to the public.
Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center since July 1994, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived to the age of 14. As a boy, he attended high school in St. Louis, Ethiopia, and New Hampshire.
Peter received his undergraduate education at Stanford University in California, where he earned bachelor’s degrees in both Russian and biology, and a translator’s certificate in Russian.
His graduate education was completed at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he earned an M.S. degree in the genetics and biochemistry of fish from the College of Fisheries, as well as an M.B.A. degree in finance and international business from the Graduate School of Business.
Peter has worked as a college instructor, a commercial fisherman, a Russian translator in the Soviet Union, a fisheries observer aboard Soviet fishing vessels, a flight instructor, and a businessman. In 1983, Peter served briefly as the founding president of a Seattle-based biotechnology company.
In 1986 and 2008, Peter was a candidate for the Washington State legislature, and in 1992, he was a declared candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives.
Peter has had an active interest in the UFO phenomenon from his early boyhood. He experienced his first UFO sighting over the St. Louis municipal airport in the summer of 1954, and he investigated his first UFO case during the summer of 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire. In addition, Peter has been witness to several anomalous events, possibly UFO related, including a dramatic sighting over Baja California in February 1990, and several nighttime sightings over Washington State during 1992. His most recent sightings occurred over Eastern Washington State in 2011 and 2014.
In addition to being the Director of the National UFO Reporting Center, Peter is a former member of MUFON, during which he served as Co-State Section Director for King County, and Director of Investigations for Washington State.