The Origins of UFO Ridicule: How America’s Greatest Newspaper Helped Perpetrate America’s Greatest Deception – Peter Robbins
The subject of truly anomalous UFO/UAPs and their implications for humanity have been taken seriously by our military and intelligence communities since at least the summer of 1947, more seriously in fact than any other matter facing this nation since the end of World War II. Yet up until a few short years ago they were the subject of almost universal ridicule by major media, official government and military pronouncements, and the population at large. This was no accident. What was it that caused publishers, editors and broadcasting corporations across America to simultaneously commit themselves to reporting on the phenomena with a level of ridicule, sarcasm and condescension unmatched in the annals of modern journalism? How and why did this pattern of deception come to pass, and why is it so important that we grasp the rationale and mechanisms which first set it in motion? In this talk, investigative writer Peter Robbins takes us back to the earliest days of the UFO coverup to demonstrate how the editorial policies of the nation’s (then) most influential newspaper Led the effort to perpetrate the greatest deception in American history.