A Huge THANK YOU to All!!
MUFON wishes to thank all of our guests, speakers, vendors, and the venue for an amazingly successful 2022 Symposium!! We especially thank YOU, the attendees, for making it all possible. We enjoy the interaction, cameraderie, and joining in a great community to bring the UFO/UAP phenomenon into the public light where it belongs. We hope to see you all again in Cincinnati for the 2023 MUFON Symposium. Here are a few things to know before then:
2023 Symposium
The 2023 Symposium will be a revisit to the topic we presented there years ago, but with updated and cutting edge information. The topic will be:
Friend or Foe? 2.0
Please mark your calendars for August 24th – August 27th
Symposium Merch
The Symposium may be over, but you can still purchase MUFON merchandise regarding it!! We will keep the store open to all until we are ready to unveil the 2023 website. Tell all your friends, or better yet, click here and buy them an early holiday gift!
Keep In Contact
If you have not registered for the Symposium email list, please click here to join. We send out updates and info on this list about the Sympsoium during the year, with speaker updates, special events, and other pertinent info. Please join us!!
2022 Symposium Video Highlight Reels
Highlight Reel: 2022 Speakers
A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video makes a thousand memories. Thank you again to all our speakers!
Highlight Reel: 2022 Attendees
Thanks to you, this all becomes possible. We are grateful for your continued support to make UFOs/UAPs a mainstream topic.
Highlight Reel: USAFA Tour
Great vistas and amazing heroes who fly the air and keep us safe, as well as being the ones who go after any sightings they can.
2022 Symposium Photo Gallery
Quick snapshots of steadfast friends and amazing colleagues! See you all again next year in Cinci!
UFOs Are Showing Up Everywhere
Usually, you need to look up to see a UFO. Lately, when you turn on your TV, Podcast, look at highlighted stories on the Internet or in various newspapers, not to mention Social Media. Mainstream journalists are now reporting on more and more possible sightings! The US Government has released video of their encounters! Disclosure at last? But can we believe them?
Come to the 2022 International MUFON Symposium to find out more!
Download/Print the 2022 schedule —>
Keynote Speaker: Cheryll Jones
TV and radio broadcast journalist, veteran CNN news anchor/meteorologist and Coast to Coast AM’s special investigative reporter Cheryll Jones will examine the media’s engagement of the UFO/extraterrestrial issue since 1947 and where we find ourselves in the fast changing whirlwind of the present day.
American Media, UFOs and Historical Honesty…What’s The End Game?
Before Roswell…there was pilot Kenneth Arnold whose “flying saucer” report on June 24, 1947 was the first highly publicized UFO sighting making headlines. That would soon change. On July 8, 1947, barely two weeks later, The Roswell Daily Record published a front page story with a world famous headline, “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region”. Within hours other newspapers were picking up the story off news wires and reporters were making travel arrangements to New Mexico. Had those reporters made their way to Roswell and interviewed the scores of witnesses to the week’s events, the world might have learned of the extraterrestrial presence in 1947. The next day The Record published a new story with the headline, “General Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer”…the reporters on their way to New Mexico turned around. The world has now waited 75 years to learn that profound truth…still withheld today.
Learn moreExplore more than just the Speakers
Get “out in the field” with some of our Special Events, as well as additional Speaker events
The Field Investigator Training (FIT) session will provide instruction on a number of different topics of interest to Field Investigators.
Much more has come to light since the historic and still inexplicable March 13, 1997 Arizona Mass UAP Events, known worldwide as the “Phoenix Lights”. There is MUCH MORE to the Phoenix Lights story that Kitei, Davenport and Watson will Present – 25 years later – during this special Friday Afternoon Event.
Ron James will share exclusive clips and insider information behind his new film, “Accidental Truth”. The film is tentatively scheduled to be released to the public in late summer 2022! COME EARLY AND GET A SEAT!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS AMAZING PREVIEW!
Spirited discussion and debate on topics of extreme importance to ufology. Join with our featured speakers as they share opinions and evidence in support of their personal views on the topic at hand.
90 minute Sessions and Workshops with MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team (ERT) lead by researcher Gwen Farrell. Join Gwen for one of these intimate sessions with fellow experiencers.
On Friday Morning to early afternoon, take a tour of the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Board a bus and travel to the Academy, tour the facility, and have an opportunity for lunch on the grounds before departing back to the hotel.
See all the 2022 Special Events here
Sponsors of the 2022 MUFON Symposium
Sponsors help nonprofit organizations continue to bring important informtion and services to everyone. Without cooperation from such amazing companies and people, we would not be as successful as we are today.
It is our great pleasure to present to you the…
Master of Ceremonies: Sev Tok
Experiencer, Author, Speaker, and Spiritual Counselor.
Sev Tok is an Experiencer, Author, Speaker, and Spiritual Counselor.
Sev, originally from Istanbul, Turkey, emigrated to the U.S. as a a little girl, not knowing English when she started first grade and earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology at Loyola University. At age 10, she began having ET Contact, continuing throughout her life, which she kept secret. In Sept 2017, Sev came face-to-face with Greys who burned two red X marks on her back. This prompted her to delve into a deep introspection about her life’s purpose and “came out” at AlienCon 2018, as a Speaker and through her book, You Have You Have The Right To Talk To Aliens. Sev is currently writing her second book, Alien Wisdom.
Join us! It will only take a minute
Past Symposium Testimonials
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what past attendees say:
“I enjoyed running into speakers casually and being able to chat a bit one on one. As always, my favorite part is meeting other attendees, and this conference provided many such opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences. I would recommend anyone with an interest in UFOs to attend a future one of these well organized events.”

John Budrys
FI and SSD, Michigan
“If you want to get the latest information regarding the field of Ufology then you need to attend the MUFON Symposium in Denver in 2022. The presentations and the ability to chat with the speakers at the MUFON Las Vegas Symposium in 2021 were amazing. So mark your calendars for July 8-10 and get to hear and meet the great lineup of speakers and see some old friends as well.”

Les Velez
“My husband and I attended the 2021 MUFON Symposium in Las Vegas and had such a great time! We learned so much and made lasting friendships with some fantastic people. The MUFON Leadership was very welcoming and all of the Speakers were top notch! Can’t wait to attend this year’s Symposium in Denver!”

Mindy Tautfest
SD, Oklahoma
Mutual UFO Network
What is MUFON?
MUFON® is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 charitable corporation and the world’s oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation & research organization. Our goal is to be the inquisitive minds’ refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, “Are we alone in the universe?” The answer very simply, is NO. Won’t you please join us in our quest to discover the truth?
UFOlogy is the array of subject matter and activities associated with an interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists.
MUFON does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry). disability, marital status, sexual orientation,or military status, in any of its activities or operations; We believe in a totally inclusive environment.
The MUFON Team
Meet the people who keep MUFON going in a positive, professional, and prestigious direction. They have a passion for UFOlogy, and are dedicated to bringing you the most up to date, factual, and scientifically based information about credible UFO sightings, landings, and contacts.

David ‘Dave’ MacDonald

Hannah Trimble

Marketa Klimova

Ron James
Do you like podcasts? So do we!
The Official Podcast of MUFON – The Mutual UFO Network – a global, scientific organization dedicated to the study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity. Guests and commentary on all facets of the UFO phenomenon and other related topics from leading researchers.
CLICK HERE TO HEARLatest News about the 2022 MUFON International Symposium
Most recent information about the symposium
Registration Opening Soon!
On February 1st, 2022, the mufonsymposium.com website will be open for registration for the symposium itself. There will be many options for ticketing, as well as tickets for the extra curricular activities. Extras include:[…]
Read more2022 Keynote Speaker Announced
Cheryll Jones’ accomplished TV broadcasting career covers extensive experience on both sides of the camera. Starting as a weather reporter, Cheryll quickly extended her skills and credentials to include talk[…]
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